"**** ***** has suffered from eczema since she was a baby. But after a Health Scan Intolerance test a year ago the six-year-old's problems disappeared within two weeks..."
Daily Express

"Mr. Kielty, who flourished hundreds of testimonials from grateful clients says once you have your list of foods to avoid you can stop unwittingly poisoning your brain and get back on the road to good health..."
Sunday Times
"Food is a drug and people are constantly poisoning their brain with drugs it doesn't want..."
Absolute Marbella
"Once the problem foods are avoided many long standing illnesses and conditions begin to improve and finally disappear..."
Gulf News
"It ends the wait of medical testing and the resulting stresses, results are immediate, accurate and pain-free. After eliminating the foods it is amazing how quickly the complaints clear up."
La Voce Degli Italiani
"Taking blood samples, using needles and waiting for results might not appeal to most people. Now there is this new method from Health Scan that is easier for the patient and for the specialist to apply and use."
Sayidaty (Arab Family Magazine)
"Almost the first thing he (Mr. Kielty) tells me is that vegetables are not always the godsend we think they are. They crop up again and again, he says, as causing a problem..."

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