Arthritis - Asthma - Athletes Foot - Bloated Stomach |
Blood Pressure problems |
Catarrh - Colitis - Concentration - Constipation - Coughing
Cramp - Crohn’s Disease |
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E) |
Depression - Dermatitis - Diarrhoea - Dizziness |
Eczema - Epilepsy - Eye Sensitivity |
Gout - Tourette Syndrome |
Haemorrhoids - Hay Fever - Headaches - Heartburn |
Hot Flushes - Hyperactivity |
Irritability - Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
Lack of Libido - Leg Ulcers |
Lethargy - Loss of Sense of Smell |
Loss of Confidence |
Memory Loss - Migraine - Mood Swings - Sleep problems |
Mouth Ulcers - Nausea |
Palpitations - Panic Attacks - Pre-menstrual Tension |
Rhinitis - Sciatica - Sinusitis - Sneezing |
Snoring - Stress - Sweating |
Thrush - Tinnitus |
Vomiting - Weight Gain or Loss |